Monday, December 29, 2014

Here's to a great new year!

Hello readers!

First let me start by apologizing about my lack of posts lately. I know some of you are avid readers of my blog and I really have been slacking lately with my recipes! Work and grad school have been taking up a lot of my time and I resolve to blog more frequently in the new year!

Santa was good to me this year and you, readers, will benefit from it as well! I got a beautiful new toy (aka a food processor) and have already begun experimenting with it. I have also decided, along with my boyfriend and family, to give up all packaged goods starting January 1. (We've started weening off them a few weeks ago.) To be honest this change is not for weight loss but for a healthier lifestyle overall. There are so many added chemicals and unnecessary ingredients added to packaged food and it is my resolution to become more conscious of those things. Healthy eating can be delicious and I am determined to prove it to my family and myself!

My new toy!
I invested in Clean Slate: A Cookbook and Guide by the editors of Martha Stewart Living. I am by no means endorsed by them but I found the guide part informative and some of the recipes definitely look good.
Great info about nutritional
I am also reading The Dirty Life by Kristin Kimball which is a memoir of one woman's journey from city life to farm life and it is extremely eye opening! So readers, I am busy doing my research and it will hopefully inspire some great recipes for the new year. Keep an eye for my posts and subscribe so you never miss one! I promise great recipes but healthier, with no packaged ingredients and a lot more "wholesome".

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