Thursday, August 6, 2015

Breakfast for dinner

Sausage Stuffed Zucchini & Eggs
2 Zucchini
5 or 6 eggs
Al Fresco Chicken Breakfast Sausage (or another variety)
1/2 cup cooked Whole Wheat Couscous (optional) 
1 Whole Wheat Roll
Olive Oil 

Wash zucchini and slice in half longways. Using a melon balled or spoon, remove seeds from the center creating a gully in each half. Place on a cookie sheet and put it in an oven at 350 degrees until soft.

In the mean time, open the package of chicken sausage and slice each in half long ways, then chop into small pieces. Add olive oil to a frying pan and sauté the sausage until brown. 

I added couscous to mine because
I had some leftover from another meal.
Slice a whole wheat roll (or any other form of bread you prefer) and toast it in a toaster or using your broiler.

When the sausage is browned and the zucchini is soft (you can put a fork through easily) scoop the sausage into the zucchini. Turn your oven off but keep the zucchini in so it stays warm. Using the same frying pan, fry your eggs (or cook them however you prefer). 

Butter your bread, take the zucchini from the oven, plate it, then add your eggs on top. Enjoy!

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