Monday, November 16, 2015

Stir-fried Lunch

1cup Quinoa
2 cups Chicken or Vegetable Broth
1 Onion
2 stalks celery
1 Bell Pepper
1 cup Mushrooms
1 bunch Baby Bokchoy
1 bunch Mustard Greens
1 handful Green Beans
Any other veggies you like
1 oz Ginger root
2 cloves Garlic
3 Tbsp Olive Oil
1/8 Cup Low Sodium Soy Sauce 
Seasonings (I.e. Chili powder, paprika)

Chop all veggies into bite sized pieces. Chop ginger and garlic finely. 

In a small pot, bring 2 cups broth to a boil. Add Quinoa, bring to a low simmer, stir occasionally. 

In a large pan, heat olive oil on a medium flame. Add ginger, onions, and celery. When the onion and celery are translucent, add the rest of your vegetables. Cover with a lid and stir occasionally. Make sure nothing burns, the liquid from the vegetables should prevent this but stir to be sure. When the Bokchoy and mustard greens are limp, add the garlic, seasonings, and soy sauce. Continue cooking, stirring all ingredients together. 

Separate the ingredients into 5 containers, adding 1/2 cup cooked quinoa to each portion. Enjoy for 5 days of lunch! 

Side note: add chicken or another protein if you so choose. I prefer without meat for lunch but if I was serving this as a dinner I would add chicken or shrimp. 

Back in the health game

Recently I tried on a pair of pants that I bought in 2013 and although they [barely] fit over my hips and [reluctantly] buttoned, I was totally uncomfortable. These are some cute pants too so I definitely do not want to get rid of them or worse, buy new, bigger pants. So! Instead I decided then and there that I was going to change my recent eating habits and get back into the healthy eating game. 

Now for those of you who have not read my previous posts, this isn't a diet plan. It's a change-in-eating plan and a healthy cooking plan. I am the one in my small, two-person family who does the food shopping and the cooking so I therefore control what we eat. My longer commute does however make me lazier more often. When I get home at 7:30 on some nights, the last thing I want to do is slave over a stove for an hour just to eat a mean we will scarf down in 10 minutes (as we watch tv).

Yesterday we drove to the Route 10 Farmers market and stocked up on some healthy eats and I spent a few hours in the kitchen prepping my lunch for this week (see next post for recipe) and some snacks and a salad that I found in the Clean Slate cookbook which I bought back in December (yikes! Has it been that long?) Needless to say, I'm ready to eat better and share that journey with you, my faithful, patient readers.