Thursday, August 6, 2015

Breakfast for dinner

Sausage Stuffed Zucchini & Eggs
2 Zucchini
5 or 6 eggs
Al Fresco Chicken Breakfast Sausage (or another variety)
1/2 cup cooked Whole Wheat Couscous (optional) 
1 Whole Wheat Roll
Olive Oil 

Wash zucchini and slice in half longways. Using a melon balled or spoon, remove seeds from the center creating a gully in each half. Place on a cookie sheet and put it in an oven at 350 degrees until soft.

In the mean time, open the package of chicken sausage and slice each in half long ways, then chop into small pieces. Add olive oil to a frying pan and sauté the sausage until brown. 

I added couscous to mine because
I had some leftover from another meal.
Slice a whole wheat roll (or any other form of bread you prefer) and toast it in a toaster or using your broiler.

When the sausage is browned and the zucchini is soft (you can put a fork through easily) scoop the sausage into the zucchini. Turn your oven off but keep the zucchini in so it stays warm. Using the same frying pan, fry your eggs (or cook them however you prefer). 

Butter your bread, take the zucchini from the oven, plate it, then add your eggs on top. Enjoy!

Going Au Naturel

As many of you know, I have recently moved into a new apartment with my boyfriend. An exciting time indeed! We moved about 15 miles west from where we were both living and although our work commutes are now farther away, the peace, quiet and tranquility seem to be exactly what we were both looking for.

I realize that I have truly slacked off with the blog over the past 8 months, but I haven't been cooking nearly as much as I was in December and January. But now that I am the sole chef in our new apartment, I will be in a better position to blog new recipes.

With that being said, I must also share that we have gone natural with our food and organic whenever possible. Now I say 'as much as possible' because going organic is pretty pricey and sometimes I can't fathom paying an arm and a leg for some things. I am also still buying things that aren't 100% natural until I can find an appropriate replacement for them i.e. Honey Nut Cheerios. Yesterday I was in Shoprite and needed to buy butter (which according to all my research is the most acceptable cooking fat to use, in moderation of course). Organic butter ran $7+ for a pound. Holy Butter Batman! That is not something I was willing do pay for so I went with a natural alternative that still costed me about $3 but was much easier to swallow. Also I have discovered Stop & Shop's Nature's Promise brand. When possible I will still choose all natural AND organic but when that isn't feasible, all natural will suffice.

My recipes however will still be applicable for those of you who can not afford/ choose not to buy organic. I do encourage you to do so whenever possible. After much reading and research I have to say I am pretty convinced that organic is the best choice. For the haters out there that argue that hundreds of years ago people ate organic and only lived to child bearing age, need to also remember that the pesticides that are now used on our fruit and vegetables didn't exist and the antibiotics that now save people from dying at such a young age are being shot into animals living in deplorable conditions.